12 Days of Christmas Cards, Starry Night
Sometimes with all the holiday craziness we forget the real meaning of Christmas. Here's a beautiful star shining a light down for us.
Christmas Card Starry Night YouTube painting tutorial!
5" x 7" Strathmore Watercolor Cards
Pigment List
All paints I use are M. Graham transparent watercolors, except white gouache. Other brands I recommend are Daniel Smith and Schminke.
- Nickel Azo Yellow
- Maroon Perylene
- Ultramarine Blue
- Cobalt Teal
- Cobalt Violet
- Burnt Sienna
- Pthalocyanine Blue
- Pthalocyanine Green
- White Gouache
- Wax Crayon
Christmas Card Painting Steps

1. I use a wax crayon to reserve some of the stars.
2. Next I do a loose wash of cobalt teal and pthalo blue. This is going to make the background glow!

2. Now I need to do several washes with strong darks. I'm using warmer colors nearer the star, cooler colors further away.
Let this dry. Repeat for 3 washes.
It takes layers to get strong darks!

All that's needed now are some stars in the sky. I paint and splatter white gouache around the sky.
This one is an easy little card to bring Christmas joy into someone's home.
Merry Christmas and a Joyful Holiday to All!
Jennifer Branch