12 Days of Christmas Cards, Christmas Tree
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm spending today with my family, eating turkey and pie. It's a wonderful time to be thankful for everything I have.
To me, Thanksgiving is the perfect time to reflect on the year. To not get caught up in the absurdity Christmas presents and marketing have become. Just a simple time and good food with my family. The best things in life, after all.
So in the spirit of simplicity, here's a beautiful little Christmas tree in a snowy woods for a Christmas card.
This Christmas card takes less than 5 minutes of painting time. So you have plenty of time to paint a lovely card for someone - and spend time with your family!
5" x 7" Strathmore Watercolor Cards
Pigment List
All paints I use are M. Graham transparent watercolors, except white gouache. Other brands I recommend are Daniel Smith and Schminke.
- Nickel Azo Yellow
- Quinacridone Red
- Maroon Perylene
- Ultramarine Blue
- Cobalt Blue
- Pthalocyanine Blue
- Pthalocyanine Green
Christmas Card Painting Steps

1. A very quick sketch of a tree with burnt sienna and pthalo green. Use your #14 round brush to keep it loose!
Let this dry completely!

2. Now some maroon perylene splattered in makes the tree more interesting! Let the colors bleed and flow together. Don't be neat!
I paint some shadows with cobalt blue on the ground. It's just a hint of a snowy woods and gives a base for the painting.
Let this dry completely.

Remember, everything dries a lot lighter than you paint it!

A few more splatters and your Christmas card is done!
Have fun with this little Christmas card! It's quick and easy.
Think about variations you could add to it. Pen and ink, gold embossing... You could splatter white gouache for a snowstorm. Or add bright red Christmas balls and twining ribbon for an inside version. So many possibilities - make it your own!
I hope you're enjoying turkey and pie like me. Take a fun break to paint a little, but enjoy the holiday. That's what life is about - appreciating joy!
Merry Christmas and a Joyful Holiday to All!
Jennifer Branch